SU020, SU120, SU011, SU111, SU002, SU102

SKU: SU020, SU120, SU011, SU111, SU002, SU102


The SU DC contactor is a universal contactor for shunting operation in DC and AC networks, for controlling motors, especially under reversing conditions with heavy starting and counter-current braking. Each contactor in the basic version is equipped with an auxiliary switch LP-4 with auxiliary contacts 2z+2r. SU series contactors are designed for use in traction, crane, marine vessel and automation systems. SU contactors are currently manufactured under the registered trademark ZAKŁAD APARATÓW ELKTRYCZNYCH APENA®.

SU-011/SU-111 SU-020/SU-120 SU-002/SU-102
DC3 power U=110V 3/4,5 kW 3/4,5kW 3/4,5 kW
DC3 power U=220V 5/8,5 kW 5/8,5kW 4/8,5 kW
Main tracks 1 NO+1NZ 2NO 2NZ
Auxiliary contacts 2NO + 2NC 2NO+2NC 2NO+2NC
Ith rated current (A) 40/63 40/63 40/63
Control voltages(min/max) 24/220VDC 24/220VDC 24/220vDC